Saturday, May 16, 2009

Posting now and then

I've been working on the Oregon Shawl. I'm on the last rows before I start the edging. There's not much to post about since every post would be "I've done a few more rows so it's a bigger blob". I'll post a picture when I've done some edging.

I have a sinus infection so I've just been hanging around the house this weekend. Joined Netflix again a couple of weeks ago. I really like the watch instantly feature. So far this weekend, I've watched "Persuasion" and "Sense & Sensibility". Yeah, it's all Austen all the time!

I'm meeting up with a friend next Friday to do some knitting and spinning. It'll be a nice afternoon.

I updated my website so that the front page contains links to my Twitter, Delicious and Ravelry pages.

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