Sunday, October 21, 2007

Icelandic Lace Shawl is finished!

Here are some pictures of the Icelandic lace shawl. I like the way it came out. I used a different border than the pattern called for. When I bought the yarn for this shawl, I think I doubled the amounts. I think I have enough yarn for 2 more shawls.

We went to the Norman Rockwell Museum yesterday. The museum is in Stockbridge, MA - about an hour from our house. It was a great day for a drive. The leaves on the trees were beautiful. I've been to the museum twice before. Because there is so much detail in the paintings and he did about 4000 paintings, there is always something new to see.

Afterwards, we went looking in Stockbridge for something to eat. Everywhere we looked, the restaurant was either closed, or in one case - the Red Lion Inn, too expensive. So we came back to Albany and went to Old Chicago. It opened just a few weeks ago so it was really crowded. We had to wait an hour for a table so we had a couple of beers in the bar. The food was really good and the staff was very friendly. I think we'll be going there often.

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