Monday, October 15, 2007

Progress made on shawl

I'm almost done with the Iceland Lace Shawl. Just a few rows left on the top border. I'll post a pic soon.

We had a great time at Waffles and Puppets. We went with my sister and my niece. I got to hang out with my niece for a while. She's six and she is a joy to talk to. People brought their dogs to the event so we talked about every dog that went by.

There was a guy with some alpacas there. He had a bunch of alpaca items for sale, including some yarn at a great price. I picked up 3 skeins of a light purple worsted.

I saw The Jane Austen Book Club last night. I really enjoyed it. It's a romantic comedy (my favorite genre) and I think that it can be enjoyed even if you haven't read any Jane Austen. The movie is pretty true to the book. I listened to the book last fall when I was going to a Jane Austen book club at my library. I had last read Jane Austen when I was in my teens and twenties. I found it interesting that I got something different out of them as an adult.

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