Saturday, August 18, 2007

Progress on Rose Trellis Shawl

I'm on row 34 of the Rose Trellis Shawl. When doing a lace pattern, any lace pattern, for the first rows, I have to look at the chart for nearly every stitch. It seems like it takes a very long time to make any progress. There comes a point where I start to feel "settled" with the pattern. I'm at that point now. I can look at the chart and do a group of stitches before looking at the chart again. Soon, I'll be able to look at the chart at the beginning of the row and not have to look at the chart until the next pattern row. I think this process is part of what I really like about lace knitting. I feel like I've mastered the pattern somehow because I worked through it until it became easier. This can only be done with practice. I like a challenge. A quote from a A League of Their Own seems to work here: "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."

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