Thursday, August 16, 2007

SecretPal 11 Contest

Shelby, our hostess for SP11, sent out an email today that included a contest where the prizes are yarn. All I have to do is answer 5 questions. How easy is that? And it's a great idea - it gives me something to blog about.

1. What is the one knitting accessory you could not live without?
I would have to say my row counter. It helps me to keep track of where I am in the pattern. Stitch markers are another thing that I can't live without but, since one could make them out of pieces of waste yarn, I guess they wouldn't be called accessories.

2. If you're heading on vacation, do you take knitting with you? If so, how much and what type of project?
Of course I take knitting! My usual project for vacation knitting is shawls. It's a lightweight project, doesn't take much room, and is good for many hours of knitting pleasure. When I use the shawls, I can say "This is the shawl I was working on when we went to ....".

3. Where have you travelled to that you'd consider your favorite spot? Dingle Peninsula in Ireland is one of the most beautiful spots that I've seen (and the Irish are wonderful people).
Locally, I love going to the Adirondacks. I'm a country girl who lives in the city and regularly go to the woods to recharge my batteries. I love to find to quiet spot near a lake or stream where the only sound I hear are the birds and I can sit and knit. It's a piece of heaven!

4. What is your favorite knitting book at the moment? Do you own it?
Victorian Lace Today is my favorite and I own it. It is filled with beautiful photographs of lace and wonderful articles about the history of victorian lace.

5. Do you listen to podcasts? Which is your favorite(s)?
I don't but I do listen to Audible books. A recent good read is Family Tree by Barbara Delinksky - the main character is a knitter and her grandmother owns a knitting store.

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