Friday, August 24, 2007


Yesterday I spent my lunch hour teaching someone to tat. What I learned: tatting is a lot harder to teach than knitting. At the end of the hour, she had one stitch formed. She's going to practice and then we're going to get together again. I think she had the hang of tatting but needs to teach her hands what to do. Beginning knitters also have to do this.

I learned to tat from a book when I was 19. It took me several weeks to figure out that the stitches form on the shuttle thread. If you can't slide them along the thread, you've got knots, instead of tatting stitches.

There are several free tatting sites on the net. I've got several tatting sites here, bottom of the page. I want to try this one. I think it will be pretty in a varigated thread.


Anonymous said...

I like tatting too. It's strange how something so inherently simple is so difficult to grasp. It's only making a series of half hitches after all.

I keep meaning to design something knitted that includes tatted panels somewhere - I think that would look really nice. It would have to be cotton though as I don't think anything too stretchy would stand up to tatting too well.

Kimknits said...

Combining tatting and knitting sounds like a great idea. I never thought of tatting with yarn but lace yarn would work. A shawl with a tatted edge? Something to think about.